MEND: Heal Your Broken Heart
Instant Access + BONUSES
Fast-track your heartbreak healing with the entire MEND course, in one convenient online portal. Plus you'll get some awesome bonuses:
- BONUS! Additional journal prompts to help you dive deeper into self-discovery
- BONUS! Digital MEND workbook with space for writing, guided journal prompts, and lots of heartbreak healing support
- BONUS! Guided meditation to connect you with the future version of yourself and discover your own inner wisdom
- BONUS! Powerful boundary mantras because boundaries are an act of self-love and are sometimes hard to do
- BONUS! Breakup resource library full of my favorite videos and books that I always recommend to clients
- Everything in a convenient online portal that you can access anytime!
Your Instructor
Hey, friend. I’m Paige! I’m a breakup and relationship transition coach for big-hearted people. After a string of particularly devastating breakups, I realized something needed to change. So I set out on a journey to defeat my bad habits, say YES to my desires, and fall madly in love with ME.
Now, I do the same for other people who are struggling through heartbreak.
I know breakups can really suck, but I also know there’s a brand new person on the other side of this: a human who has the power to get everything they want and doesn’t settle for crumbs.
If you’re ready to recover from a breakup or divorce and create a life beyond your wildest dreams, you’re in the right place!